You may be considering debt consolidation if you have accumulated a significant amount of debt and cannot afford to make the payments. Having huge amount of credit card debts with high interest rates can sometimes be very expensive and confusing. Consolidating them into a single monthly payment can create a streamlined process of repayment. There are several options of consolidating your debt. Have a look at the four best debt consolidation moves that you can take to successfully pay off your debts.
- Take a HELOC: A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a loan taken against the amount of equity in your home. If you have built enough equity in your home, you can easily consolidate your debts by taking a loan against your home value. Your house will be used as a collateral and consider using this option as debt consolidation only if you think that you can make the payments on time. If you fail to pay on time, you may run the risk of losing your home to foreclosure. You can enjoy lower interest rate than on credit cards. The interest rate and some fees associated with HELOC will be tax deductible.
- Do “cash-out” refinancing: This can be considered another best way of debt consolidation. You can opt for “cash-out” refinancing. If you have enough equity in your home, than you can refinance your home for a value more than what you owe on your mortgage. This will help you access easy cash, which can be utilized to pay off debts. You get very low interest rates but make sure that you will be stretching your payments to over 15 or 30 years. This may increase the actual amount you are paying back due to the added interest rates over the term of the loan.
- Get your car loan refinanced: If you paying huge amounts on your car loan, then go for a car refinance. By refinancing your car loan, you can save the extra dollars every year. This money can be used to pay off your debts comfortably.
- Obtain personal loans: A personal loan can also be obtained to consolidate your debts. If you do not have enough equity in your home and if you do not qualify for a HELOC, then you can get personal debt consolidation loans. Such loans will offer you low interest rates than the outrageous rates of credit cards. Such personal loans are most often-unsecured debt.
Thus, there are different ways of consolidating your debts and paying them off. Consider the four best debt consolidation moves mentioned above before deciding to consolidate your debts.
Author bio: Neil R Williams is a financial consultant and writer. His niche of articles comprises some core financial subjects, such as debt consolidation, debt settlement, credit repair, credit counseling and so on. He also consults people in financial jeopardy.