A momentous event just occurred this afternoon: For the first time in many years, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve went before Congress, set aside his rose-colored glasses, dispensed with most of…
Tag: the fed
The Federal Reserve Does NOT Control the Market
FREE eBook reveals why the Fed is powerless to change the economic course By Elliott Wave International As the world’s leading stock markets continue to play stomach-hockey with investors via one triple-digit…
Fed’s Currency Swap Lines: A BIG deal for the Dollar
The Fed met this week on monetary policy. It was a bit of a snoozer. What wasn’t a snoozer, however, was what they’ve included in their recent monetary policy statements regarding currencies….
Bernanke’s Burn Notice – Why Now? Research Reveals Insight Into Fed Chairman’s Popularity
By Elliott Wave International Like a spy who gets a burn notice, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has suddenly lost his support. Bernanke has gone from being Time magazine’s Man of the…
Why the Fed Likes Independence
Last week it was revealed that when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve, he urged AIG officials not to disclose to the Securities Exchange Commission relevant…
The Fed’s Perfect Scenario
If you consider all of the structural problems in the U.S. economy, there has not been a lot of progress toward getting things back on track. The root causes of what created…
Fed Promises Easy Money for an Extended Period
by Claus Vogt Every few weeks the world’s most powerful and influential central bankers — those in charge of the world’s number one reserve currency, the U.S. dollar — come together in…