Enjoy the Gifts that Keep on Giving When You Invest ‘Down Under’ By Jeff D. Opdyke New Zealand is an awkward place for an American at Christmastime, as I learned during a…
Tag: Sovereign Society
Regardez la Distraction, S’il Vous Plait!
Why Central Bankers Everywhere Want You to Believe the Illusion By Andrew Packer Dear A-Letter Reader, In French, it’s called ‘legerdemain.’ Scientifically, it’s called prestidigitation. But we all know it from some…
Value investors take refuge in tech
Here’s where they’re finding solid value In a Sector known for its Manic ups and downs… By Eric Roseman Ten years ago you wouldn’t find a value fund holding a single technology…
Why you should worry when banks hoard cash
Or Why I’m Planning my own “Run on the Bank” for 2010… By Andrew Packer Dear A-Letter Reader, Banks are holding a lot of cash these days… over $1 trillion according to…
JP Morgan CEO…headed for the slammer?
Jamie Dimon’s Arrest Warrant And the Sleazy Practices that Brought it About By Andrew Packer I’m always keeping my eye on the banks… and there are a few developments that will eventually…
Wag the Dog…AIG style…
Equity Markets Are About As Rational As the High School Rumor Mill By Andrew Packer There are some things I miss about being a kid. Like playing with Legos, blowing off chores,…
Merry Christmas…from the IRS!
A Quarter Million Tax-Cheating Bureaucrats, Shady Tax Breaks, and the IRS’ 70% Error Rate……Merry Christmas Indeed… Daniel J. Mitchell of the Cato Institute is our guest columnist today. Dan is a frequent…
Where in the World is the Next Generation of Rampant Consumers?
And How Can we Profit? By Ashish Advani As you look out across the U.S. – across your hometown and your local big city, each and every one of us can pick…
New Haven on the Horizon; the Cook Islands
By Bob Bauman A broad net of 15 coral islands in the central heart of the South Pacific, the Cook Islands are spread over 850,000 square miles, southwest of Tahiti and due…
India – Back page bull market
While Other Asian “Tigers” Grab Headlines, This Forgotten Giant Has Quietly Begun an Economic Boom… By Justin Ford The front pages were busy last week with President Obama’s trip to Asia. Yet…